I was off work yesterday so I logged on a non-usual time for me, around 3pm my time? Dunno. No biggie.. Saw a couple of neutrals in system and a 1 month old dock in station just as I logged on, I said humm, these dudes usually are running indys im gonna undock my broadsword and gank his ass. I hope in my broads and undock. Do my usual 360 scan and see a cyclone on scan with 3 hammerhead 1's. Humm. Narrowed him down to a mission and relayed it to my corp m8's, they said he has been in and outta gulm all day doing missions. I say to myself, ya'll have permitted this carebear shit to go on, well not on my watch!
I dock the Hictor up and grab my buzzard and get to probing , I spread my probes and scan. After a few min's probing I get a hit and warp my fleet to the target. Why? I'm in a buzzard? We'll I have lost targets by a matter of minutes before, so I'll just km whore the fucker(Buzzard has a point) and let the guys kill him. I warp Lilly and Gamble to the hit and I'll be a SOB, it's a open mission with a becon, we land 100km off of him, and he warps away..
We are sure he is coming back to finish his mission and if he does, I've decided ill take my rapier in to sneak up on his ass this time. Sure enough he is back in local, and talking like a dumbass. Ill have to get the chat log off my other PC, but it was something of the sort, the pirates are still here, ill see if they are still in my mission. So I grabbed my rapier and warped to his mission, ALLAH he is there, 50km off and has brought a rifter for backup!! OH SHIT!!! LOL!!
But he was burning towards his last NPC rat and faster than me, which was almost 100km off the warp in! Oh well, he did not know I was there, force recons ftw baby!!
I finally get into point range, decloak, lock, point, and dual web his ass. Call in the troops. They land 100km away as I fear =(. So I am alone with a 07 mission cyclone & rifter till help arrives. But wait, me and the rat are raping his fucking ass, LMAO!! I tell the guys hurry this dude is melting! And I can't stop shooting him because he is shooting me and I'm in a recon ship, not exactly a tank. Lilly gets in range just as he goes
POP. Poor gamble didn't make it, but I grabbed the pod. And we tried to ransom it, but he said he only had 20 mil.. Have some good chats for that I will post later.
His bio simply says, Carebear for life.. And he is in FW?
Fan Mail..
2009.07.30 00:54
lol the toon was started in 07 on a trial account. didn't like the game so never went paid. picked it back up a month ago. Tongue btw, thanks for whover popped that bs, finished the mish for me.
2009.07.30 00:52
for the loot? And the corpse.. You are a 07 player you should have well over 100mill.. I do get my jollies off corpse btw.. Ill admit it..
rofl by asking a price I couldn't pay. But seriosly, what motivates someone to enjoy destroying something at no gain to themselves?
2009.07.30 00:47
I do enjoy it.. I have alot of bodies in my hanger.. I gave you the opp. to pay
2009.07.30 00:45
any particular reason for the podkill? or you just get your jollies that way