Monday, July 20, 2009

Joining Python and going blinky again..

Well a few month's ago I decided to leave The Tuskers, nothing personal, I enjoyed flying with them and really like the corp, but the pirate life was fucking expensive! I was selling GTC's and that was doing ok, but hurt the wallet. So I decided to get my sec status up and do some high sec PVP. After a one week stench in providence ratting, I joined Duty., a well known and highly skilled merc corp. Another top notch corp that I have nothing bad to say about, but the merc business was too much like work and I joined at a busy time.

So I said to hell with this and had a out of the blue offer to join a griefer corp close by full of highly skilled pilots, Wrecking Shots. TBH, I was a little skeptical of them, but they turned out to a awesome group and I had alot of fun flying with them. But out of all of this I was failing to make any isk, my alt was making a little, but not much. So I joined a 100% carebear corp, OMFG, what a fucking mistake, I won't go any further about this.. Stopping here..

FINALLY!!!! Now my alt is trading, building, and mining.. And making money!!! So now I can kill shit, and in eve there is no better way to log on and kill shit than PIRATING!!!! And since Python holds a dear spot in my heart, I called up Spec and begged him to let me in... After many hours on my knees I am back!!!!!

1 comment:

Spectre said...

I can't believe you made me GW.